Vuukle Review – Best User Engagement & Commenting Platform



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Picture of Munish Siwatch
Munish Siwatch

Web Developer & Writer

Today we are writing the Vuukle review, which one of the best user engagement and commenting platforms. Previously we have reviewed Blogvault wordpress realtime backup plugin with the special discount for our readers.

The user engagement on the website is very important. So apart from writing the quality articles, it is important to use some other options to increase the user engagement rate and reduce the bounce rate.

More the time spent by the user on user on your website will directly affect your google search engine ranking. Google will assume that your article is best for those focus keywords and thus boost your search engine ranking.

With an aim to improve the user engagement on the website Vuukle was designed. We will discuss further the various techniques and features used by Vuukle for engaging your readers.

Vuukle Review: Idea Behind it

Vuukle was launched in December 2015 by Anil Mittal – the man behind the idea and development of vuukle. They are a company that provides audience development tools, more specific tools to improve user engagement for enterprise-level blogs and websites.

As of today, vuukle clients have more than 700 million page views and around 74.9 million users every month out of which 72.9% are from South Asia, which means 1 in 6 users online in India are going through the Vuukle comment system.

It helps auto-moderate your website comments for the highest quality and best performance, giving you a better chance to be seen. That’s the idea behind Vuukle, a new way to manage comments on your website.

Getting more and more positive comments for an article will make that article authority and improve your search engine presence and ranking.

What Vuukle Offers?

vuukle review engagement toolkit

Engagement Toolkit

Vuukle provides a range of powerful, fast loading, user-friendly widgets to keep your users hooked and engaged.

Our goal at Vuukle is to keep your visitors on your property forever. Our sophisticated analytics tools free your writers and editors to do what they are good at creating awesome content.

We have achieved more than a 150% increase in the average user session time for some of the most popular publishers on the web and mobile.

Commenting Platform

vuukle review commenting platform

Vuukle’s most popular widget is a powerful, highly customizable and fast commenting system.

Along with powerful analytics and moderation tools, it packs a punch and is equally popular with demanding readers and tireless editors.

  • Fast loading
  • Any platform
  • Easy to customize
  • Less moderation time
  • Responsive

Powerful Dashboard

vuukle review powerful dashboard

The wings don’t fly the airplane. The people in the cockpit do. We have pushed the frontier in moderation and analytics to give more power to your writers and editors.

  • Real time analytics
  • Moderation
  • Revenue Control
  • User Management

Embeddable Widgets

vuukle review widgets

To go along with the commenting system, we throw in Emojis, Sharing Bar, Talk of the Town, Newsletter Subscriber to engage your readers at every touch point.

Everything put together creates a compelling experience that readers love and want more of you!

  • Fast loading
  • Any platform
  • Easy to customize
  • Responsive

Vuukle Features

They are offering tons of features and most of them are free of cost. We will be covering best of the vuukle features that will not only improve your website user engagement but also help you increase traffic.

Increase Engagement Time

By inviting the visitor to comment anywhere you like, we are able to improve user interaction with the article page. On top of this, every Vuukle comment box shows most commented news, in a cohesive, integrated and engaging way.

The final result is a huge boost in internal referral traffic created by the Vuukle comment system. As you can see in the image below the average Vuukle user spends 5x time compared to a Facebook user.

vuukle review user-engagement

Big Data Analytics

This tool makes possible to better identify the website commenters. When you have 1000(s) of comments pouring in per day, this kind of information is better than gold.

Vuukle clients have access to commenters e-mail, geolocalization, browser, device type, comment viewability and more. One could ask how this is different from Google Analytics or ChartBeat, well, our data is totally focused on commenters.

With this valuable information website, owners are capable of optimizing their website to create even more engaging articles.

vuukle review big-data-analytics

Business Intelligence

Vuukle comments platform provides a full report on how your content is performing. Things like social shares, number of comments, votes on comments, article ratings are standard on Vuukle.

But on top of that, clients have notification e-mail open rate and CTR. Again, valuable information that can be used for next posts/news topic modeling based on user engagement, e-mail A/B tests and much more.

vuukle review business-intelligence

Author Analytics

Author analytics helps website owners identify which are their best authors and curate content on a way to improve user engagement, returning users, pageviews and reduce bounce rate.

We can show exactly which of your authors are most commented, which have the most social sharing stats and even which have the highest page views.

vuukle review author-analytics

Page Analytics

Again, another useful set of metrics to show exactly where your website is heading and how you can make it move faster or change direction.

Pageviews, top performing articles based on the number of page views and top performing articles based on comments are just a few stats of our complete suite.

The best feature, however, is the comment platform viewability. This is very important and something that Google Analytics does not provide out of the box.

With this kind of information, authors can correctly analyze and optimize how they write and decide their posts structure.

vuukle review page-analytics

Topic Analysis

Do you ever wonder if there is a simple way to discover which of your post topics generate more page views, social shares, comments and attracts more traffic?

Now it is possible. Vuukle provides you a clear chart that shows your top topics, authors, making it easier to know where you should concentrate your efforts.

vuukle review topic-analysis

Increase Website Revenue

That’s the best part right? It doesn’t really matter if your website is receiving more quality traffic than before if you are earning the same amount of money.

Ok, that’s not entirely true, it’s always good when our websites attract more traffic since usually more traffic means more money.

With Vuukle’s comment platform, your website can generate more money with the exact same amount of traffic. How?

By monetizing the comments section with a highly targeted ad. This means a very high CTR combined with an above the average CPC.

vuukle review increase-revenue

Also Read,

Vuukle Integration

Vuukle can be integrated easily with few clicks on websites running on wordpress or blogger. It also supports the javascript integration for other platforms.

That means if you have a website then you can have vuukle despite any platform you are using for your website.

We will now see how vuukle can be integrated with various platforms.

How To Install Vuukle on WordPress?

Installation of vuukle over wordpress site is just a few clicks apart. This tutorial will help you integrating vuukle on WordPress websites.

There are two ways that you can install the plugin on your blog:

  • Using FTP
  • Using the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Install Vuukle using FTP

  • Upload ‘vuukle.php’ and ‘comments.php’ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Install Vuukle using the ‘Plugins’ menu

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard
  • Click on Plugins in the menu on the left, and then click on Add New underneath
  • Type „Vuukle“ in Search and press Enter on your keyboard
  • Click on Install Now button
  • On next screen, click on Activate Now

Supported Shortcodes

Vuukle supports shortcodes to enable or disable a certain set of features. You can add these shortcodes in the HTML/JavaScript widget named Vuukle in the Layout tab of the Blogger dashboard.

The shortcodes are –

  • [vuukle-emote] – Enables “What is Your Reaction” section
  • [vuukle-subscribe] – Enables the subscribe by email option under the post
  • [vuukle-powerbar-bottom] – Enables Powerbar below the post content
  • [vuukle-powerbar-top] – Enables Powerbar below the post title

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Wrapping Up

There are many user engagement and comment plugins available in the market like disquss, but vuukle is among the fastest growing user engagement and comment plugin offering tons of features.

There are many websites already using vukkle, few of them are

If you are looking to improve user engagement on your website and decrease your bounce rate then you must give it a try.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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2 thoughts on “Vuukle Review – Best User Engagement & Commenting Platform”

  1. Vuukle is just another COMMUNIST website moderator that won’t allow the TRUTH to be shown. they need to be put out of business along with Face Book and Twatter. nothing but total Communist anti FREE SPEECH

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