8 Tips to Improve the Readability of Your WordPress Blog


Tips to Improve the Readability of Your WordPress Blog

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Picture of Munish Siwatch
Munish Siwatch

Web Developer & Writer

Tips to Improve the Readability of Your WordPress Blog! Running a great WordPress blog means meeting all kinds of requirements. It includes covering the right topics, addressing the right audience, posting at the right time, and other important factors. It also includes the high readability of your blog posts.

Also Read, How to Start a WordPress Blog from Scratch

Readability is the ease with which the readers read, understand, and process the information you’re giving them. If your blog has low readability, it means that people find it hard to read, and therefore, hard to enjoy. This is why we’ve prepared 8 tips to help you improve the readability of your WordPress blog.

Tips to Improve the Readability of Your WordPress Blog

Let’s break it down together.

1. Conversational Tone & Vocabulary

The number one mistake that so many bloggers tend to make is using complex, technical vocabulary in their post.

These bloggers probably feel like they have to prove their knowledge and expertise by using the terminology an average person doesn’t quite understand.

However, this is a huge mistake that leaves a negative impact on your readability.

To improve it, you need to:

  • use a conversational tone
  • use everyday language
  • lose the technical terminology
  • write so that everyone understands you

Some websites that write for you can help you nail it. Make it easy for everyone to read and understand your blog posts, and not just the people who are experts.

2. Short Sentences

Another common mistake that many bloggers tend to make is to overcomplicate their sentences.

Lengthy sentences lower readability. It’ a fact.

Readers don’t want to lose themselves in complex, perplexing sentences that seem to have no end. Instead, they want:

  • short sentences
  • conciseness
  • simplicity

Just say what you want to say without sugar coding, unnecessary fillers, or empty words. Take this as an example:

  • It has been said that exercising regularly can have a significant beneficial effect on your overall health and wellbeing.  X
  • Regular exercise can improve your health.   ✓

3. Short Paragraphs

Paragraphs are a great tool for creating readable, and enjoyable WordPress blog posts. They give the post a better visual appeal, and instantly make it more approachable.

Here’s how it works:

  • a reader opens up your blog post
  • they see a huge amount of text in large chunks
  • they give up reading

But, if you break down that same amount of text into short paragraphs, the reader will be more willing to read it.

Make sure that your paragraph is:

  • 2-3 sentences long
  • no more than 4 lines long

It will be easier for your readers to follow along, process each idea that you cover, and understand the content.

4. Lists & Bullet Points

There are other ways for you to break down the content of your blog post. Bullet points and lists are great for improving readability as well.

Most people who read blog posts online don’t actually read every single word of it. Instead, they use techniques such as:

  • scanning
  • skimming

People quickly scan the text, looking for the exact information they need.

Creating lists and bullet points make it easy for them to find what they need and read the bits they care for the most. It also helps them decide whether to read the post at all.

5. Images

If you want to make your blog post more readable and comprehendible, you should use the power of visuals.

Images are a powerful tool for increasing the readability of a blog post. Here’s why:

  • they support the content
  • they provide additional explanation
  • they give instant insight into the content

An image can help people process the information, understand them, and memorize them. They improve readability and should be used whenever possible.

Tips to Improve the Readability of Your WordPress Blog 2

6. Transition Words

When your audience is reading your WordPress blog, they need help processing the content. Transition words are an excellent choice for making the content more readable.

Transition words such as “therefore”, “on the other hand”, “however”, or “above all” can and should be used to:

  • link the sentences
  • provide a logical connection between them
  • shows how things relate to each other

When you use transition words in your content you make it easy for the readers to read it and interpret it.

7. No Passive Voice

Another major improvement you can introduce into all your future blog posts is eliminating the passive voice.

Passive voice makes a sentence more complicated and less understandable. This is due to its structure. Consider the following examples:

  • Their startup was built by them in less than a month.  X
  • They built their startup in less than a month.

Active voice provides simplicity which leads to better readability. It’s that simple.

8. No Filler Words

Simplicity is key for better readability. This is why you should avoid filer words and simplify every sentence as much as you can.

Here’s a couple of examples:

  • There are people who live… ?Some people live…
  • Make use of this advantage. ?Use this advantage.
  • Blogging is the single most important tool in digital marketing.?Blogging surpasses all other digital marketing tools.

Make your sentences concise and to the point. Omit filler words.

Tips to Improve the Readability of Your WordPress Blog 3

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Final Thoughts

Improving the readability of your WordPress blog post means thinking about the people reading it. You need to make it as easy and approachable as possible for them to read and understand it.

Use the tips provided above and start working on improving your readability today.

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