Hobbies Of Young Indian Millionaires: What Are They?


Hobbies Of Young Indian Millionaires

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Picture of Munish Siwatch
Munish Siwatch

Web Developer & Writer

Money changes the world. It is a true statement. But another side is how money works it out: for good or bad. Accordingly, this resource is given to people to learn to manage it correctly for themselves and others at large. It was created with a purpose to improve life in all its aspects. It means if you use it in a proper way with good intentions, you will harvest good results. Otherwise, you can bankrupt and be left with nothing. The worst is if it leads to a harmful effect on the world. But we won’t dive into the global impact of money.

Another good side is when the person remains kind, noble, and generous, whether they are rich or not. It means a person understands the value of money and that there is nothing more valuable than the life given to us. These are millionaires in India, and their age is becoming earlier each year. For example, about 60% of rich people surveyed were under the age of 40 compared to 47% last year. It confirms that young people become more knowledgeable and skilled in running a business and making their country wealthier and happier.

With an increase of funds in the budget, every rich can afford things they couldn’t before. But there are many cases where young rich people in India invest their money in different projects to advance the country’s situation and simplify the lives of poorer people. For instance, some of them are committed to improving the technological situation in India and providing the population with the best solutions on mobile casino sites. So it makes Indians tech-savvy and not cut off from the world.

And like any other Indian, they have their preferences on how to spend their free time. Do they do it as rich people do? Do they spend much money on their fun? Let’s check it out together.

Hobbies Of Young Indian Millionaires

As soon as it is heard “rich man or woman”, one can imagine immediately the luxury way the richest prefer to use to relax. When it comes to young rich Indians, it’s not right that way. Their preference and focus differ from the usual hobby of the rich. So what makes rich Indians different?

#1 Fashion

It is considered the most spent category by young rich Indians. They pay special attention to apparel and accessories. It is something they keep doing and will never give up. Specific expenses are spent on fashion clothes and accessories.

#2 Yoga

Young rich Indians are adherents of yoga and walking exercises. They find them more effective than the latest trends in 360 Fitness, H.E.A.T., megaformers, or water workouts. About 76% of them practice yoga. The rest 34% prefer CrossFit.

#3 Apps & Gadgets

This category seems to be general and equal to all rich people, including Indians. They also wish to take the pace with technology and use the latest high-tech products. WhatsApp and Facebook are the most usable platforms by rich Indians. In addition, they are not so passionate about wearing tech devices like fitness trackers. Less than half of them use such devices. Another part utilizes sleep headphones and MyFitnessPal, which tracks food intake.

#4 Spa

This is an opportunity an ordinary rich person will use by choosing luxury spa salons. But it is not about young rich Indians. They do visit spas but not so often and without any place of luxury. Only a third of them visit the spa once a month.

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