Adsense Approval Trick 2021: How To Get Google Adsense Approval In 1 Minute


adsense approval trick

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Picture of Munish Siwatch
Munish Siwatch

Web Developer & Writer

Are you looking to get your Google Adsense Account Approved for your new website? Then this Adsense approval trick will tell you how to get Google Adsense approval in 1 minute.

Whenever a blogger plans to start his/her own blog the main aim is to get some extra online income. However, most of them get demoralized because their Google Adsense account is frequently getting rejected.

But till the time your Adsense account is not approved, you can try from the list of Top Google Adsense alternative ad networks.

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We all know Adsense is the best source of income for bloggers. But getting a Google Adsense account approved is difficult. This Adsense approval trick will definitely help you to get your account activated.

Adsense approval trick doesn’t completely work with Google. If someone claiming to get your account activated for some small fees then they are making fool of you. They might get your account activated for some other website and then add your website as an addon to it.

However, you will be amazed that even after giving you the login details they have or get access to your Adsense account. So in this article, we will be helping you to create your own Google Adsense account with a little Adsense Approval trick

Google Adsense being the best publisher platform, everyone wants to join it. But Google has strict policies for activating Adsense account for a website or blog. So you must ensure that you follow all the guidelines before applying for the Adsense account.

Yes, Google Adsense activation is difficult but not impossible. You can follow our simple Adsense approval trick to get your account activated within no time. If you develop the website keeping Google Adsense policies in mind, then getting a fully activated Adsense account is a cakewalk.

This Google Adsense approval trick will help you to design your blog keeping Google Adsense policies in mind so that you don’t leave any stone unturned before applying for the account.

However, activation of the Adsense account is completely on Google but by following these Adsense approval tricks it will be easy for Google to know everything about you and your blog before taking a decision on your Adsense account.

I know Google Adsense is the best but it is not the last option. There are many alternatives to Google Adsense that can be chosen before you get Adsense approval.

Let’s now directly move ahead with the Adsense approval trick and get your Adsense account activated.

How to Get Account Activated With Google Adsense Approval Trick

The following factors mentioned below need to be followed before you apply for the Adsense account. Adsense accounts are manually approved by humans after visiting your website and checking it. They are not bots who can be cheated for approval.

1. Domain Name & Hosting

Domain name plays an important role and it makes the first impression on everyone who is visiting your blog. You should always keep in mind the important things while selecting a domain name.

Hosting also plays an important role in Google Adsense approval. You should always go for the best SEO web hosting for your blog. If you are still wondering to select the best hosting for your website then here is a great deal for you.

Google generally prefers a TLD ( Top Level Domain) name. Top-level domain name are generally (.com, .net, .org, etc).

Top-level domain name generally ranks higher on the google search result. It helps the webmaster to get more and more traffic from search engines.

Google also prefers websites getting traffic from search engines rather than any other source.

If you are a beginner then always go for a top-level domain name.

If you are already running a website and getting a significant amount of traffic then also google will consider your website for Adsense activation.

2. Domain Age

Domain age actually doesn’t matter for Adsense activation. However, in updated google Adsense policies they have mentioned that for selective countries mostly Asian countries the age of websites should be more than 6 months before applying for Adsense.

The website age factor is applicable to webmaster applying for Adsense account from Asian countries like India and Pakistan.

If you are from the US or UK then it is not applicable to you, but the rest of the tricks are applicable.

In certain cases, websites from Asian countries are also getting Adsense approval before 6 months of website age. This is because the websites are well optimized and getting a huge amount of traffic from the google search engines. Also, the websites rank higher on Alexa.

3. Blog Title & Description

Adsense loves clear blog title and description, Having a good blog title and description is not enough, your blog title and description should be relevant to your blog content.

Before buying a domain name one should be clear of the type of content that he is going to post on that website. You should decide the content first, domain name second, and relevant title and description last.

If blog domain name, title, description, and content are not relevant to each other then it will be difficult for your blog to appear on top of google search results.

Blog title and description should not be very lengthy, it should be small, crisp, and informative. The most important is that your blog Title and description should describe the contents of your website.

Google Adsense checks blog titles and descriptions to find out what is your blog all about and how it will benefit its advertisers. It also checks the advertisers for the list of keywords on your website.

4. Create About, Contact, Terms & Privacy Policy Pages

Before applying for Adsense you should create about, privacy policy, and contact pages. Google checks these pages to know about the website and webmaster and also checks whether the website policy complies with the Adsense policies or not.

About Us Page

About us, the page should clearly define what the blog is all about. It should also contain details of the owner or author of the blog. Google team checks this page to identify the person owning the blog and person applying for an Adsense account are the same.

Terms & Privacy Policy Pages

Google Adsense team gives weightage to Terms & Privacy policy pages to find out if your website privacy policy complies with Google Adsense policies. If you find it difficult in writing a privacy policy page then you can create an auto-generated privacy policy page with a few clicks.

Contact Us Page

This page should have the contact details of the website owner. You should always provide the email address and location address from where you are operating the business. If you provide a contact phone number then it will give an extra advantage to your website.

Your details should be similar to the Gmail account from which you will be applying for AdSense account including phone number.

Google checks this page to find out if the website owner is approachable to the readers.

5. Unique Content Is The King For Adsense Approval Trick

Google loves the high quality and unique content. If your website has high-quality and unique content then your chances of getting Adsense approval will be very high.

Your content should be relevant to the Google advertisers too. It helps Google to auto-select the advertisers to display ads on your website.

Also Read: Step by step guide to write a stunning blog post

Apart from Adsense approval, it will also help your website pages to appear on the top google search for the relevant keywords of your article.

High quality and unique content will get you Adsense approval faster.

Here are some common content types that are not accepted by AdSense.

  • Pornography/Adult materials
  • Pirated Content
  • Hacking or Cracking Tutorials
  • Illegal Drugs/Paraphernalia
  • Any Other Illegal Stuff
  • There are few languages that are supported by AdSense so make sure your blog language is on the list of these.

6. Number Of Articles

Before you apply for Google Adsense you should have at least 15 – 20 high-quality and unique articles on your website. But in certain cases, I have seen websites getting Adsense approval with 2-5 articles only.

I have already mentioned the technical SEO checklist that you have to keep in mind before writing a blog post. You should also carry out keyword research on the topic about which you are going to write.

Links to the best articles related to your blog should be on the homepage. All articles should be more than 1000 words. Well, the length of the article is not that important but the topic should be covered completely within the article.

The frequency of writing an article and posting on the website should be 1 in 3 days.  You can increase the frequency of posting articles once your website is fully established and having lots of daily traffic.

7. Selection Of Theme

Google always prefers a website with a neat and clean layout. Your website should not be very much cluttered up with images and diverting user’s attention.

H1 tag should be used in the blog title and H2 in subheadings. Google generally looks for H1 and H2 tags. Your website theme should be completely search engine optimized.

Also, your theme should be fast and mobile-friendly. Google loves mobile-friendly themes. You can check your website page speed at the google page speed insight tool.

You should also use a few images for each post. Remember your images should not be copied and do not breach any copyright violation.

Also Read: 10 things to consider while selecting a perfect theme for your website

8. Blog Logo and Favicon

Having a blog logo and favicon is not much related to Adsense account approval, however, it gives uniqueness to your website which he helpful for account approval.

9. Avoid Copied Content

Avoid copying content fully or partially from other websites and put them on your website. Google is very strict with this matter.

Any copied content on your website may lead to application rejection. However, you can think of rewriting the article in your own words and taking references from other websites.

If you have any copied article on your website then remove it before applying for an Adsense account. Remember Google is not looking for lots of content, it is looking for unique content and how it can be benefitted to its advertisers.

If you are writing an article on a topic which no one is interested to read then your article may be the best but for Google, it is not worth it.

You should always optimize your post for multiple focus keywords to get a better search engine ranking.

10. No Advertisements

While you are applying for an Adsense account to ensure that your blog is completely free from advertisement from third parties. Google Adsense policy does not allow ads from other parties while you are using AdSense.

There are few advertisers with which you can use Adsense. But my advice is not to put any ads while applying Adsense account.

You can consider putting other party ads once your Adsense account is fully approved. In our next article, we will discuss various advertisers that can be used along with Adsense.

Once your account is approved you can display specific ads in each post.

11. Comments & Shares

It’s great if you manage to get Social Shares and Blog post comments. It helps increase chances of quick approval (Though Google doesn’t specify this requirement it worked in my case as a vote of confidence).

12. Read Adsense Policy

If you have still not read Google Adsense policy then I will recommend you to read it before you apply for the account.

13. Website Traffic and Ranking

Website traffic and ranking play an important role while applying for an Adsense account. However, Google has not mentioned anything about website traffic and ranking before applying for Adsense.

Google means business, putting an advertisement on the website which is not having traffic will not fetch any earning to Google from advertisers. Hence it is self-understood that Google will prefer a website that has a decent amount of traffic and good ranking.

If you are a beginner having a new blog you should consider this trick to increase website traffic.

Remember do not use any traffic generator software or websites that use bots. Google will easily find out your traffic source and it may lead to account rejection. If your account is activated then also avoid traffic bots software, it may lead to banning your Adsense account permanently and you will receive any payout from Google.

If your account is activated then also avoid traffic bots software, it may lead to banning your Adsense account permanently and you will receive any payout from Google.

Google Adsense Account Approval Facts

  • Google Adsense Team normally takes 1 to 4 weeks of time to analyze and approve your account and you can reapply in case of rejection after 7* days only (Check for their guidelines in case of any change).
  • Google Adsense works well with high-traffic websites or targeted niche/ micro-niche websites or blogs else your targeted keywords CPC (cost per click) should be high to earn better with low traffic.
  • Adsense release payment only if you reach a minimum threshold of $100. For low traffic websites, it takes a allot of time sometimes months to meet the threshold.
  • In the case of the WordPress website, you can use the Adsanity or Advanced Ads WordPress plugin to place ads anywhere on your website.
  • The best placement of Ads for High CTR (Click through rate) would be Sidebar, Start of your content, Middle and End of your content part.
  • In case you experience low earning, you may try Affiliate Marketing which is the first recommended way of online money making.

Google Adsense is not only the way to earn money from the blog or website. However, it’s the easy way to earn after approval. I personally use affiliate income sources on my website for online money-making.

Things To Do After Adsense Rejection

Following the tricks properly will get your Adsense account approved. If in case your account is rejected then go through the email you have received from Google.

Try to rectify the issues which are mentioned in the email and reapply for the Adsense account.

You can also discuss your Adsense account rejection issue in the comment sections. We will try to help you and rectify your website issue.

Meanwhile, you can also apply for the industry’s best Adsense alternatives to earn money from your website.

Wrapping Up Adsense Approval Trick

Google Adsense is the best publisher platform everyone wants to be part of it. You should always keep this in mind while applying for the Adsense account. These are the basic thing that Google Adsense is looking at on every website.

If your application is rejected then reapply for the Adsense account after 30 -45 days. Do not reapply within a week. Also, check the reason for the disapproval of your application and try to rectify the issue.

If you have any better suggestions or things to carry out before applying for the Adsense account then please write in the comment column. We will update the article for the benefit of our readers.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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30 thoughts on “Adsense Approval Trick 2021: How To Get Google Adsense Approval In 1 Minute”

  1. hi, I am khokon. I applied for Adsense but they denied me. I was resubmitted many time but they again reject me. But the main thing they do not tell me, why they reject. What can I do now? Please help me.

    1. Hi, Khokon I had visited your website and the issue is with your website traffic. Your website doesn’t seem to have enough traffic. However, Google Adsense doesn’t specify the traffic requirement but it is understood that they will money once you have traffic on your website. Approving a website without organic traffic doesn’t resolve their purpose.

      1. site(s). As a result of this review, we have disapproved your account for the following violation(s):
        We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below:
        Unable to review your site: While reviewing we found that your site was down or unavailable. Please help I don’t know why

        1. Hi,
          I had gone through your website and it is very much functional. Don’t make any changes to your website after you apply for Adsense account. However, you can still write articles and post them on your website.
          Your website seems to have very less or no traffic. You can apply for Google Adsense account once your website is having some traffic.

    1. Hi, Your website seems to have very less or no organic traffic. Try to go through our blog and follow the SEO for your blog. Also, Install https certificate for your website.

  2. Thanks for the post. I have applied for Adsense very many times but they keep rejecting my applications. My blog is all about news and entertainment

    Kindly help me and see where the problem is from.

  3. Hello admin i applied for adsense, with all my content original but they have not replied my massage for long time now. Any clue on what the problem could be.

    1. Hi, I have visited your website and everything seems great. Try and contact Adsense or apply from another Gmail account. Till the time your Adsense account is not approved keep posting fresh contents and don’t make any major changes to the website.

  4. Thank you very much for expressing how to AdSense Approval, hope you can help us with some new tips and tricks.

  5. Good tips you give about google adsense how to approve very fast way, Amazing thanks you for giving information

  6. Hello Pradeep

    Thank you so much for this useful information, as its a great help for the people struggling with getting Adsense account. Keep sharing such information

  7. Hey friend, thank you so much. I am very happy. Due to your article, I was able to put my site for approval. I hope that they will approve my site. Keep it up brother.

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