What is BigCommerce Used For?


What is BigCommerce Used For

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Picture of Munish Siwatch
Munish Siwatch

Web Developer & Writer

BigCommerce is a well-known e-commerce software platform. It assists businesses in the development and expansion of their online storefronts.

This powerful tablet has a very user-friendly UI and a bevy of pre-installed critical features. BigCommerce, an all-in-one e-commerce platform, may be of interest to anybody starting or building an online business.

BigCommerce debuted as an e-commerce platform in 2009. As a result, it has become one of the most quickly increasing enterprises.

Customers from 65 different nations are anticipated to visit the company’s e-commerce site. Toyota, for example, and Martha Stewart are both employed by the corporation.

The big commerce was founded by Eddie Machaalani and Mitchell Harper. It has offices in Austin, Sydney, and San Francisco, as well as a headquarters in San Francisco.

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What is BigCommerce Used For?

Branding and design should focus on the consumer experience. Consider starting a company in a mall where you like to shop. The open door and sign may draw you in. You’ll be greeted with a warm grin and a wonderful aroma as soon as you enter through the door. This would be done by a skilled web developer.

It is expected that visitors will have a fantastic time. To make it easy for customers to buy, explore, contact you, and use your site in general, you must make it easy for them to do so.

A BigCommerce developer integrates the existing functionalities of an eCommerce store.

The cost of getting a new customer might be up to seven times the cost of keeping an existing one. When you use live chat, SMS, user-generated reviews, and social network links, you enhance customer loyalty and time spent on your site.

We design your brand in such a manner that it is simple for customers to buy from you. A BigCommerce designer can improve website load speeds, smartphone compatibility, and one-click checkouts.

BigCommerce developers create a website that functions as an online store as well as a brand ambassador. As a result, you’ll have a pleased customer base and a steady influx of new customers.

The Benefits of BigCommerce

Here are the benefits of BigCommerce that you can consider to help you build and manage a successful e-commerce store.

Manage your orders like a pro

The customers enjoy how BigCommerce’s dashboard is set up for things like merchandise, orders, and refunds. It features a large selection of brands, categories, reviews, and pricing, making it easy to locate what you’re searching for. The Quick Search Bar makes it simple to locate and manage inventory items.

With BigCommerce, you can reach a much larger audience. Pricing, promotions, and product access, for example, may be used to divide consumers into groups and provide material tailored to each group’s requirements and desires. You do not need to create a separate eCommerce store for each of your clients.

Perks on SEO points

It’s difficult to stay relevant in today’s increasingly competitive world of e-commerce. It is critical for firms who sell things online to stay up with changing search engine algorithms. One of the finest features of BigCommerce is its excellent SEO tool.

It makes good use of the most up-to-date methods for doing so. You may add your own keyword-rich material as well as pre-optimized names and URLs to the SEO area. Change the names and URLs as well.

Already mobile-friendly

When creating your own store, you have a plethora of various themes and layouts to select from (both free and premium). As an added benefit, BigCommerce guarantees that your theme will be updated for the rest of your life.

These themes are entirely responsive and cover a wide range of topics. They are also really simple to set up. To increase sales, use mobile-friendly themes and layouts like these. More than 71% of shopping carts are abandoned on non-mobile-friendly websites.

Full 24/7 support

It’s safe to say that BigCommerce’s customer care will go out of its way to assist you. The features aren’t as crucial as the speed with which you may receive assistance when you call. BigCommerce’s coaching, training, and instructional services may be beneficial if you manage a small or medium-sized business.

BigCommerce as a SaaS Platform

The ease of use of a platform like BigCommerce is important to many of our clients, so we often offer and support services for BigCommerce. A friend of yours might be the reason why. They might have used Shopify and told you about it. The BigCommerce SaaS platform is worth looking into while we’re here.

BigCommerce is the best choice for us because it gives us a lot of options for making changes.

There are no more SaaS-based solutions like BigCommerce, so you can’t use them. Both support and upkeep are needed for a group.

Using BigCommerce’s many features, it is possible to make changes to an eCommerce site.

In addition to free and paid themes, BigCommerce has a lot of free themes.

Any theme can be changed very much. An eCommerce company can help you make a website that fits your business.

It can be even more useful if it has custom scripts and an API that can work with a lot of different things. In this case, BigCommerce is not a SaaS platform that you can use right away.

BigCommerce has a lot of built-in features, like this: The app store of BigCommerce, like the app stores of other SaaS providers, is the same one. In order to make a shop more functional, all you need to do is buy some integrations.

In comparison to other SaaS platforms, BigCommerce has a lot of features that can cut down on or even eliminate the need for third-party extensions.

People have a hard time deciding whether to use a SaaS platform or make their own apps.

BigCommerce has a lot of good things about it. One of the best things about this service is that it has many features that aren’t available on other SaaS platforms or through expensive add-ons.

For businesses who want to speed up the process of setting up and maintaining an online store, BigCommerce is a great option.

People who work for or have worked with BigCommerce can help you decide whether or not it’s the right choice for your business. Please get in touch with us if you want more information or want to get a price quote.

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