How Yoga can Enhance Your Sleep Quality?


How Yoga can Enhance your Sleep Quality

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Picture of Munish Siwatch
Munish Siwatch

Web Developer & Writer

How Yoga can Enhance your Sleep Quality? Are you having difficulty falling or staying asleep? Did you already try all possible techniques to get better sleep, but nothing seems to work?

You already have the best mattress, the perfect room, and banned devices at bedtime, and yet, it feels as if something’s still missing. We know it’s frustrating. But before you raise your white flag and submit to leading a sleepless life, there’s one thing we want to ask you. Have you tried doing yoga before bedtime?

If you haven’t yet, you may want to give it a try. Studies show that the practice of yoga may lead to fewer sleep disturbances and better sleep quality. In this article, let’s explore the different ways yoga can help with sleep. If you’re ready, let’s get started!

How Yoga Improves Sleep?

Yoga has many amazing health benefits, and one of the underrated ones is its ability to help you sleep better. Here are the ways yoga can enhance your sleep quality:

1. Yoga Promotes both Physical and Mental Relaxation.

If there’s one benefit of yoga that we’re aware of, it’s its ability to keep us relaxed.

This practice is a combination of controlled breathing, physical poses, and meditation—all of which are designed to put your body and mind in a relaxed state.

2. Yoga Reduces Stress.

Stress is one of the main reasons why you find it difficult to sleep at night. Well, yoga is a popular stress management tool, and there are many reasons why.

To begin with, it combines all the conventional stress-reducing techniques such as controlling your breath, freeing your mind, and working out.

Additionally, yoga teaches us mindfulness. By being mindful, you’re focusing on the present. It prevents you from thinking about what happened in the past or what may occur in the future, which are considered to be the root causes of stress.

Last but not least, yoga is associated with a decrease in cortisol (the stress hormone) in our body.

3. Yoga also Relieves Anxiety.

One of the benefits of yoga is it helps with anxiety.

The leading cause of anxiety is our busy mind. When you try to think of many things all at once, anxiety arises. The only way to combat that is to relax your mind and free your thoughts.

During yoga, you need to practice controlled breathing and meditation. During the first few minutes, your mind will have some problems concentrating. As you go through the poses, and you focus on your breathing, your thoughts will start to slow down until nothing seems to matter except for your breathing pattern.

With regular practice, it will be easy for you to get to a more relaxed state, which would come handy in combating the feeling of anxiety at night. 

4. Yoga Helps you to Forget your Worries.

Do you often find yourself mulling over the bad things you’ve experienced throughout the day? Well, these thoughts are the biggest hindrances to good sleep. With the mindfulness that you can learn from doing yoga, you can develop the ability to get rid of these thoughts and zero into the thing that matters most—the present.

5. Yoga Makes you Tired.

Although yoga has impressive mental benefits, we shouldn’t forget that it’s still a physical activity.

A lot of people claim that they feel tired after doing yoga. This is because the different yoga poses help build muscle strength.

For your muscles to become stronger, you have to subject them to hard work and let them recover first. Yoga helps you do the former while sleeping gives way to the latter. That’s why it’s easier for you to fall asleep after a workout.

6. Yoga Revives and Revitalizes the Body.

The breathing patterns involved in yoga helps to boost oxygen levels in the blood and eliminates toxins in the body. With this, your body is more prepared for a good night’s sleep.

7. Yoga Helps in Apnea Management.

Sleep apnea is a medical condition wherein you’re not getting enough oxygen at night, causing you to stop breathing for short periods and gasp. Because of this, people with sleep apnea wake up frequently at night.

Through breathing exercises, yoga can boost your oxygen levels in the body, which is valuable in managing this sleep condition.

Final Words About Yoga and Sleep Quality

There you have it—these are the amazing effects of yoga on sleep quality. To maximize yoga’s sleep benefits, we recommended that you try out the go-to yoga poses to help you sleep fast. Here are some of them:   Siddhasana (Perfect Pose), Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall Pose), Balasana (Wide-Knee Child’s Pose), and Savasana (Corpse Pose). Incorporate these poses into your yoga routine

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